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How to Change the Screen Size on a Laptop | It Still Works

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Not enough pictures. Any more feedback? Log back in to Windows to see the new settings in effect. Open your Display settings Scroll to Scale and layout.


Change your screen resolution in Windows

Stay in, or open, Display settings. Change the size of what’s on the screen Stay in, or open, Display settings. Note that the OS X “Displays” utility allows you to mark a checkbox that causes the “Displays” icon to display in the menu bar for easy access. The further down you move the slider, the lower the resolution becomes and the more magnified the screen appears. Resolved my issue. Click “Apply,” and then “Log Off Now” in the dialog window that appears.


How to increase laptop screen size –

1 Adjust the Scale and Display Resolution · Move the mouse to the bottom or top right corner of the screen to show the Charms bar. · Then select Settings. · And go. Right-click an empty area of the desktop and select “Screen Resolution.” Alternatively, click “Start | Control Panel | Appearance and Personalization | Adjust. Click the “Advanced” button and select the “Monitor” tab.

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