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If you are unable to turn on JavaScript, please use this site. This section takes you step-by-step through using the Zoom feature to magnify the screen and how to customise its settings, with pictures of the screens to help. Click the Apple iconin the top left corner of the screen, then select System Preferences. Click the Accessibility icon in the System Preferences window. To use keyboard shortcuts to enable and control the Zoom feature, tick the checkbox next to Use keyboard shortcuts to zoom.

Alternatively, you can use scroll gestures to zoom. You hold a modifier key, Ctrl by default, then use the mouse wheel or a two-finger scroll gesture on your trackpad to zoom in and out.

Enable this by how to enlarge the computer screen – none: the checkbox next to Use scroll gesture with modifier keys to zoomthen select a modifier key from the drop-down menu. The how to enlarge the computer screen – none: two options, Smooth Images and Zoom follows the keyboard focus how to enlarge the computer screen – none:, smooth out pixelation as you zoom into an image and shift the focus of the zoom so that the area of the screen where you’re typing is always visible and how to enlarge the computer screen – none: in.

This is a particularly useful feature if you’re editing a document, writing an email or putting information in a form online. When Speak items under the pointer is enabled, /26798.txt computer will read aloud any item that is currently under the pointer.

You can enable it by ticking the checkbox and adjust how long the pointer needs to be over an item before the computer starts talking using the After delay slider. You can also set whether this feature is always active or Only when zoomed using the drop-down menu. How to enlarge the computer screen – none: the Zoom style drop-down menu to switch between a full-screen magnified view and a picture-in-picture view where the area around the mouse pointer is magnified inside a window.

Click the Options button next to Zoom style to customise your chosen zoom style. In the full-screen zoom you can adjust the:. You can also choose how the zoomed screen image moves in relation to the pointer.

Select Continuously with pointer to have it track the pointer constantly or Only when the pointer reaches an edge to have a stationary image that moves when the pointer nears the edge of the screen. Finally, So the pointer is at or near the centre of the screen moves the zoomed screen image to keep the pointer at the centre at all times.

Click OK when you’ve finished making adjustments. The Picture-in-Picture Zoom also has its own set of options. Use the Zoom style drop-down menu and select Picture-in-Picture Zoomthen click the How to enlarge the computer screen – none: button. The first set of options set the position of the how to create zoom meeting invite in outlook window. You can adjust how the cursor appears in the Picture-in-Picture view.

Select System cursor to get the standard macOS pointer. Select Crosshair to see an enlarged crosshair in its place. Click the Adjust Size and Location button to change the size and location of the zoomed-in window. A preview of the Picture-in-picture window will appear. You can drag any edge or corner to resize the window, or cick and drag within how to in meeting in laptop window to reposition it on the screen.

Click OK when you’ve finished resizing and repositioning, then click Done when you’ve finished making all your adjustments. Note: If this does not work it could be because your computer settings are managed by someone else an IT department or administrator for example.

If this is the case you will need to contact them to access these settings or for further help. Our website uses web cookies in order to ensure you are provided with the best experience when navigating on our website. Read more about what cookies are and how they work in our Privacy Policy.

This website works best with Javascript. Call our free helpline How to magnify the screen in macOS Short guide. Click the Apple icon in the top-left corner of the screen. Select System Preferences. Look under Vision in the left-hand column, and click Zoom. Configure the different Zoom options to set-up shortcut keys and adjust how the feature works. Select Full Screen Zoom or Is h6 – what is h6: zoom. Click the Options button to customise that style of zoom.

Before and after. Step by step guide Print the guide Share the guide. Open the Accessibility settings. Find the Zoom settings. In the left-hand column, under Visionselect Zoom. Using keyboard shortcuts to zoom. Using scroll gestures to zoom. Smoothing images and shifting focus. Text to speech with zoom. Set the zoom style. Customising the full-screen zoom. Maximum Zoom: Adjust the slider to increase or decrease the maximum magnification level.

Minimum Zoom: Adjust the slider to increase or decrease the minimum magnification level. Show preview rectangle when zoomed out: A black outline will appear on the screen indicating the area that will be magnified when Zoom is activated.

Change how and when the full-screen zoom moves. Customise the picture-in-picture zoom. Stationary: The screen image moves within the stationary Zoom window. Follow mouse cursor: The Zoom window moves in relation to the pointer. Tiled along edge: One edge of the screen becomes the Zoom window. You can resize this window and choose which edge it should appear on by clicking on the Adjust Size and Location button see below.

Change how to enlarge the computer screen – none: cursor style. More picture-in-picture zoom options. The final three options give you more control over the Picture-in-Picture Zoom. Invert colours: The colours of the image inside the Zoom window will be inverted to make it easier to distinguish between the zoomed and non-zoomed sections of the screen.

Adjust the size and location of the Picture-in-Picture zoom. Finish your adjustments. Not what you’re looking for? Table of contents. Was this content helpful? Yes No. Created on: August Show tags and categories. Adjustment: Zoom and magnify. Category: Vision. Hardware: Computer Screen. Operating system: macOS macOS Need some more help?

Call our free helpline or email enquiries abilitynet. Call free Helpline. Need free IT Support at Home? If you are older or disabled and need IT support at home, you can book a free home visit. Book a Home visit.



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Be vigilant about checking to make sure your prescription is not off. Some nonne: the names for the various problems associated with displays and eyes are “computer vision syndrome,” “VDT visual display terminal syndrome” and “technostress ophthalmopathy. The only way to prevent this is to address it with the display itself.


Windows keyboard shortcuts for accessibility.

When Magnifier is on, zoom in or out Zoom in and out using the mouse scroll wheel Quickly see the entire desktop when using full screen view. Eye fatigue makes it hard to keep looking at the display. For regular PC work, an LCD with a non-glare panel that does not reflect light is.

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