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How to Share Zoom Recordings – Learning Technology Services – How to find and download your own Zoom recordings

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Dec 12,  · How to Share a Recorded Zoom Meeting. Method 1. Sharing a Local Recording. 1. Sign in to Zoom. Log in and open the Zoom desktop app. [1] Click on the Meetings button to access your meeting Method 2. Method 3. Views: K. May 04,  · To locate the recording files on your computer: Sign in to the Zoom client. Click Meetings. Click the Recorded tab. Select the meeting you would like to view the recording for and click Open. This will open the folder where your recording files are stored. The MP4 Visit a cloud storage or video. Apr 07,  · How Do I Download A Zoom Recording Link? By clicking into the Canvas course, when you were there for the conference, you clicked into the conference course. The navigation menu item Zoom will appear when you click on it. Go to the Cloud Recordings tab and select the ve Recordings tab. The recording name will appear as a download link.

So You’ve Made a Zoom Recording…Now What? – Zoom Blog – Prerequisites for accessing and downloading Zoom recordings


Being able to record Zoom meetings is a useful trick that can be used many different ways. You can even download Zoom recordings, allowing you to review them anywhere, on any device, without needing to be logged into your Zoom account. You can even swap recordings with your friends and colleagues. Talk about portability! The question is: how do you do that? A recording you made and saved locally will be on your computer already so no need to download it! You can also download a cloud recording by someone else, but you need to have a valid URL link to it, and the host has to have permitted viewers to download it.

What you need to get your hands on a Zoom meeting recording download depends on who created it and where it was saved.

But you can do it from either a desktop computer or a mobile device. In order to download a Zoom meeting recording that someone else has created and saved to the cloud, a few different things need to happen:. You can also delete recordings one at a time, in selected groups, or all at once. There are also options to search for a specific recording, export a spreadsheet of data about your recordings, or delete multiple recordings at once.

However, you may need administrator powers to use some of these features. Image credit: YouTube — Zoom. Clicking Open will display the file folder containing the recording files, so you can open them manually.

If only the Open option is available, it means that recording has been saved in the cloud on your Zoom account. In this case, clicking Open will not bring up the folder on your computer containing the recording files. That covers how to download a Zoom recording that you were the host for or at least find it. However, whoever hosted the meeting has to do a bit of work first. Then they have to share the URL and other relevant information for the recording.

Image credit: Zoom Help Center. Below that are the sharing settings for the recording. You can also choose whether or not to set a date where the sharing link expires, if you only want to share the recording for a limited amount of time. But how do you download one yourself once it has been shared? Say that someone shares a link to a Zoom recording with you and has allowed viewers to download it.

Now, how do you go about making a copy for yourself? Being able to record and download copies of Zoom meetings are just two of the many great features Zoom has. Check them out! What is covered in this article Prerequisites for accessing and downloading Zoom recordings How to find and download your own Zoom recordings How to change cloud admin settings so others can access your Zoom recordings How to download a shared Zoom recording.


How To Get A Recorded Zoom Meeting Link? – Systran Box.How To Share A Recorded Zoom Meeting Securely In The Cloud


Then, any meeting or webinar you record to the cloud will automatically transcribe the audio. Your audio transcript VTT file can be found at the same URL where your meeting recording is stored, ready for you to download and edit.

If you want to display the transcript as captions , simply view your recording and click the CC icon at the bottom right of the screen. Double-click the file, and Zoom will convert the recording and show you the conversion status. If you want to share the recording, you’ll have to save the file and share it manually.

Back up recordings Recordings on the Cloud can be backed up on your computer. Recordings on your computer can be backed up by saving the entire recording folder that Zoom created to an additional drive. Choose files or drag and drop files. Though these workflows start to eat up a lot of productive time as they are done more frequently, or as they happen more often across an entire organization.

With many more teams now working fully remotely and people also working around other pandemic-related disruptions at home, even more meetings are being recorded and shared to support the continuity of work in this new environment.

Recording the meeting is the easy part! Finding and extracting the information inside past recordings, as well as sharing recordings, is still exceedingly difficult.

All of the time and resources expended on these tasks can easily offset any potential business gains from simply having an exact record of the meeting.

But meeting recordings need to be easy to find, easy to share, easy to watch, and easy to search so that people within your organization can access the information archived inside as efficiently as possible.

And its search features only allow you to search within your personal library of meeting recordings. All of that sensitive business information inside your meeting recordings still has to be secured, too. The recorded files can be uploaded to a file storage service like Dropbox, Google Drive, or a streaming service like YouTube or Vimeo. Table of Contents. Tell us how we can make this article better for you?

Additionally, you can select sharing permissions on the right. Editors may have access to delete or share the file, while viewers will only be able to view the file. Make sure that you’ve shared with the correct people. Once you are done adding people who need to see your recording, click Send, and they will receive an email with a link to the file.

Note about Zoom meetings recorded locally to your computer rather than recorded to the Zoom cloud: If you have a Zoom recording stored locally, you can upload it to Google Drive by selecting the file from where you stored it on your computer, just as you would once you’ve downloaded a Zoom recording from the cloud.

As always, contact it. Helpful Unhelpful 91 of people found this page helpful.


How to get recorded zoom link.So You’ve Made a Zoom Recording…Now What?

And when integrated with Zoomyou have a complete, secure, gwt scalable solution for video collaboration and productivity. A new window will appear with the how to get recorded zoom link of your recording similar to one pictured below: Hit the download button to the right next to the recording thumbnail image. Zoom is a great tool посетить страницу источник holding and recording meetings. Local recording allows participants to record meeting video and audio locally to a computer.

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