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Windows 10 operating system is one of the best versions of Windows. And it offers a series of very relevant advantages and tools, with which we can customize our computer, for example by placing a message on Windows startup. One of them being “Move or extend the screen to the left”. Initially, it should be understood that this procedure can be performed when you are not satisfied with the arrangement that Windows 10 generated for your screen.

Taking the above into account, you can change this option by going to Windows settings. Once you’re inside you should look for the option “system”. You will automatically find yourself in the settings or screen properties. From here you can organize screens in case you have multiple displays connected, or you can just change the orientation left of your main screen. So at this time you can see how many screens you have active, in case you have two, they will be shown in blue.

If you want to move the screen to the left side, you need to drag the screen to that side and then click “apply” this way you can apply the changes. Then you must click “accept”. Another method to access the settings is very simple, you have to right click on the Windows 10 screen and click on “Screen settings”.

This option will open a new window where you will see the number of screens you have connected and then you can choose the screen orientation to the left side. In addition, you can set the one with the orientation to the left side as the main screen if you want or you can leave it as it is. This procedure can be done, since Windows 10 expands your default screen to the right side but if we want the screen to expand to the left side then the setup needs to be done.

As you can see, this is a simple procedure to perform, and you can apply it in case you have two computers connected to the systems and you want the orientation not to be on the right side by default, but that it extends to the left side.

On the other hand, in this menu you can also display the option “Multiple screens” in which you can reconfigure the order you want. Together under this option you will see a contextual link that goes to the “Advanced screen settings”. From this location you can view the characteristics of each screen that you have connected. The options to see are frequency, resolution, color format, or model.

So, from this section, you will be able to notice which number has been assigned to the screen you have connected. In turn, there are more aspects that you can configure from the screen configuration option. So all you have to do is go to the main Windows configuration screen and select the option “Personalization” to enter the menu which allows you to visually modify your desktop.

In this case, you just have to choose between the three options available there, to be able to adapt the taskbar to the way you want them to be seen between the two screens.

In addition, in personalization parameters, you can view the category of back – plan that you can customize. It is located in the column on the left side, so when you select it you will see that in the wallpaper settings you will find the option to choose a setting. Then, by clicking on the drop-down bar, you can select the one to extend, in this way the image you have in the background will be seen in an extended or wide way but distributed between the two windows. So you will see half of the image in one window and the other half in the other window in case you only have two monitors connected to the system.

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Move or extend screen left in Windows 10 Taking the above into account, you can change this option by going to Windows settings. Windows 10 lets you extend or move the screen to the left If you want to move the screen to the left side, you need to drag the screen to that side and then click “apply” this way you can apply the changes. Additional configuration from the same panel In turn, there are more aspects that you can configure from the screen configuration option. Similar items.

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Rearranging Multiple Displays on Windows 10 – Finance and Operations

Therefore two monitors side by side will only have a gap of Dell builds great quality monitors, and the UD is a good example. Thank you for your feedback! The Each display will be numbered to help you identify them more easily.


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