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Setting up Zoom Rooms & Meetings: Teaching with Zoom – Can I Use The Same Zoom Link For Every Meeting?

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Discover new ways to use Zoom solutions to power your modern workforce. Network with other Zoom users, and share your own product and industry insights. Get documentation on deploying, managing, and using the Zoom platform. What’s New at Zoom? Join our upcoming webinar to get a first-hand look into some of our exciting new product and feature releases. Hi, I started a recurring meeting weekly with registration of the participants the first time they join.

So far so good. Everyone registered and got an e-mail with the JOIN-button. But for the next meeting, I want to send them an e-mail with the direct link, in case they cannot find the first e-mail or do not know it’s the same button. So I was looking for the url to the meeting, but I can only find the link to the registration Where do I find the link to invite someone who is already registered? Or is there something I miss about the way the registration works?

Go to Solution. When you launch your meeting that requires registration, then click the green shield in the top-left of your Zoom window , you’ll see ” Invite Link ” with the option to ” Copy Link “. Or, you can click the Up-Carrot next to the Participants button in your Zoom toolbar and select invite. You’ll see a few helpful options when you click the invite option. Hope this helps.

View solution in original post. Thank you! I found the link. I hope it works and that they do not have to registrate a second time.

It ‘s only weird that I have to press ‘start meeting’ and actually go in the meeting to find the links. I would be more logic for me to be able to see the link without starting it.

Zoom Registration allows you to resend the registration confirmation email that was originally sent. I modify the ‘Confirmation Email Sent to Registrants’ by clicking on the edit button. The ‘Confirmation Email’ window that opens for edit, allows you to change the information in the ‘Subject’ box. Oh, the ‘save’ button can be a little hard to find.

Remember to use the outside scroll bars to find it. Hi, I’m going to hop in here to seek some guidance I’ve been having a hard time articulating; forgive me if this leans towards hijacking the the thread. I posted my own question on this, but this conversation appears to be in the same ballpark as what i’m trying to accomplish.

I want to send invite to weekly group coaching call meeting when people purchase my online course. I want them to have to register once, and require a password to get in. I’m assuming I can set this up so they receive one initial email with the invite—link and password— and I shouldn’t have to edit, add, send out additional emails after that? I’m confused about recurring meeting, number of instances, etc.

It seems like I don’t want to have a certain number of instances if this is a reoccurring meeting as it makes the invite look confusing and I’m thinking it automatically adds to their calendar I really get confused about that part, but that’s a different conversation. Again, apologies for hijacking, but I’m thinking like you guys can straighten me out on this pretty simply?

I see now that setting up reoccurring meeting in the app doesn’t require number of instances. But I don’t see that option in the browser version. Under my PRO license, the browser option is there. Try clicking ‘recurring meeting’ and then set the ‘after occurrences’ to 1. That’s found just to the right of ‘End date’. There will be only one entry in the calendar, if you choose to calendar it.

BUT, a recurring meeting stays usable for a year after it is last used. Should i be able to copy the link and password, then put that in my automated email to purchasers of my course? Wheen I test that to myself it automatcially opens to meeting, I assume because I’m host.

I don’t understand what the “registration” piece looks like on the invitee’s end. Yes, it can be confusing. I have several zoom identities that allow me to test out what others might see. Usually, logging out of my Pro account on the desktop app, and then signing in with a free account, allows me to see what most will see. Unexpectedly, a ‘normal’ link to the meeting, is treated like a registration link, once you turn ‘registration required’ on, for your meeting.

The answer from ZoomTestKitchen, 2nd in the chain above, allows you to copy the ‘normal’ link. But when people use it, it’s treated like a registration link. I didn’t believe that, until I tested it with a second test zoom account. One great benefit of Registration, is that you then can access a list of registrants to whom you can email further communication. Like I do with a ‘Reminder’ notice, mentioned above. But everytime someone joins your meeting, they have to go through Registration again, unless they use their own link, provided at the time they registered.

Each registrant, gets their own unique link. Sorry to be wordy. And maybe I’m missing the essence of your situation. I couldn’t see your attachment, due to my inexperience in this community, I guess. Or maybe my browser. I’m thinking i may have what I need: I created recurring, 1x, require registration with option of only require registration the first time.

I opened incognito browser, pasted the link in. It did open to a registration page where i entered my name and email, clicked not a robot, hit register button, and it gave a new link to get into meeting. When I clicked on there i was in the meeting.

I’m thinking I was in there now because i’m the host? That’s the last piece I don’t understand; the meeting time is set for tomorrow. Do you think a non-me user might get message “waiting for host to start meeting? I had opted to not make them wait in waiting room.

That makes me wonder now, how do you ‘start” the meeting if it’s “recurring but only 1 instance. Be very careful when you do NOT have a waiting room. That’s triply true if the meeting is recurring, and you expect to use the meeting for many times.

Once the link goes public, anyone with the link can start the meeting, without your knowledge. The meeting ID and passcode, remain usable for 1 year, after the last time it’s used. The number of instances is mainly calendar-related how many calendar entries do you want to have? There is no ‘ require registration with option of only require registration the first time.

You can turn registration required on and off. Is that what you mean? Try setting up a new gmail account, use it to get a free zoom account, and use that to test the meeting setup.

Thank you for pointing me to that option. I see it now. I’ve been testing it to see it’s effect. It doesn’t work like I expected it to. I finally got on chat support with Zoom today. What a concept. I just assumed they would be like FB or youtube or google with no way to talk to live person. He was very helpful. I don’t have time right now to post how he instructed me, nothing much different than I was assuming —I will later.

But i may copy paste your comment and show him to see his response to those various issues. If OK with you? Zoom Registration is great because I can send preliminary material to those who have registered. And a reminder notice on the day of the event. Mike would it be possible for us to chat about registration and how to manage? Looks like you might use like I would want to use, but I have concerns about overburdening my participants Thanks in advance.

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Creating and Sharing a Zoom Link – CTE Resources

Send Close. The steps in this article explain how to create a recurring meeting. Click the Meetings tab in the left side menu and then click Schedule new meeting. Blank Blank. Here we will demonstrate how to schedule a meeting via the app and website. Select the frequency of recurrence, such as weekly.


How to set up a recurring zoom link – how to set up a recurring zoom link:

(See · this for installing Zoom within Blackboard.) Within Blackboard, go to your Zoom App. Click on Schedule a New Meeting. Your course name should be. Canvas course: Click the Zoom Meetings link in the navigation bar of your Canvas course. Click the Upcoming Meetings tab, then click the Start button next to.


Solved: Re: Direct url to recurring meeting with registrat – Zoom Community.Scheduling Zoom Meetings for a Course | Information Technologies | Academic Technology Services

(See · this for installing Zoom within Blackboard.) Within Blackboard, go to your Zoom App. Click on Schedule a New Meeting. Your course name should be. Canvas course: Click the Zoom Meetings link in the navigation bar of your Canvas course. Click the Upcoming Meetings tab, then click the Start button next to.

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