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– ZoomInfo Market Value Soars to $17B in Strategic First Week

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Founded in by brothers Tom and David Gardner, The Motley Fool helps millions of people attain financial freedom through our website, podcasts, books, newspaper column, radio show, and viceo investing services. Become a Motley Fool member today to get instant access to our top is zoominfo related to zoom video recommendations, in-depth research, investing resourcesand more. Learn More. They discuss how the company has grown over the years, how it is using AI and ML to improve its offerings, its balance sheet, competition, vidoe team, what makes it an viveo investment, and much more.

To catch full episodes of all The Motley Fool’s free podcasts, check out our podcast center. To get started investing, check out our quick-start guide to investing in stocks. A full transcript follows the bideo. Dylan Lewis: It’s Friday, Sept. I’m your host Dylan Lewis, and I’m joined by Fool. You thought you had me, didn’t you? Brian Feroldi: Vdeo did! Dylan, knock it off. And that one, hat tip to zomo Fool Is zoominfo related to zoom video listener Zack for making suggestions.

I am very open to taking suggestions on my title name, so we can eventually trip up Dylan. Lewis: [laughs] I think that that is probably one of my favorite recurring segments; I hope listeners enjoy it as much as I do.

Brian, I’m a little surprised how to share zoom link – you didn’t try to drop a “Z” alliteration here, because we are going to be talking about the other Zoom. Feroldi: Yeah. And as you astutely pointed out, this isn’t even the only zoom out there; I mean there’s been a wave of is zoominfo related to zoom video that have named themselves zoom, I can only imagine why, Dylan, right?

Riding the coattails of one of the best-performing stocks of the year. But, yes, there’s Zoom Video Communications, that is “the” Zoom, as in the video communication app that we’re using right now; ticker symbol there is Videk. And when I first heard about this company, it actually came public is zoominfo related to zoom video June, as we’ll get into it, I immediately dismissed it simply because I was like, relateed, all they’re trying to do is ride realted Zoom’s success so far.

Lewis: And you wouldn’t be wrong for thinking that, Brian, because there are businesses that have done more or less that, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

There are, at least within our CMS on Fool. And depending on when you are looking date-wise, you see some huge spikes in the stock prices for these businesses, because is zoominfo related to zoom video are confusing them. So, to drill it down really hard, [laughs] one more time: If you’re talking about the Zoom Video app, ticker ZM.

And if you’re ever confused about any of the companies that we’re discussing — you want to make sure that we’re looking at the right ones — one of ks easiest ways, Brian, in addition to making sure that you have the company name right and the ticker right, is look at that market cap when you Google the business.

You really want to hone in on that. Zoom, I believe, Zoom, the real, the spoken-about Zoom, oh geez, what is their market cap these days? Just a phenomenal performer. Lewis: Yeah, a is zoominfo related to zoom video business and a relatively young one; at least on the public markets. They came public earlier this can i join a zoom through i a zoom meeting through browser:, raised a pretty substantial amount of money, and early investors have done OK so far.

Feroldi: Yeah, the company immediately skyrocketed after it came public, within a few days. But we’re going to dive a little bit more into specifically what they do. So, ZoomInfo. Their mission zoomiinfo and Is zoominfo related to zoom video always like it when companies, right in the registration statement, right up top: “Mission statement” — their mission relayed “to unlock actionable business information and insights to make organizations more successful.

So, they have this cloud-based platform that pulls in millions upon millions of data points and enables salespeople to find people in businesses, in organizations that are actually decision-makers, so that they can target them, reach them, and sell to them.

That is at the core of what this company does. Lewis: So, the idea is making it very simple to find who you’re supposed is zoominfo related to zoom video be talking to.

Feroldi: Exactly. And as somebody that was in sales myself for over 10 years, I can firsthand attest just how hard it is to obtain that information. You have to imagine — Dylan, imagine you’re a new sales rep, and you’re zom for a company and your boss says, “Hey, go sell to Boeingwe went Boeing as zoomijfo customer.

What do you do, who do you contact, how do you get to the right person? I mean, there are so many barriers in place for salespeople to reach the is zoominfo related to zoom video person. And I just spent a huge amount of my time trying to figure out exactly the information that ZoomInfo provides.

So, I really see value in what this company is trying to do. Lewis: I’ve never been a salesperson in that sense, Brian, but I have been on the receiving end of a lot of cold-call emails. People being like, “I see you cover is zoominfo related to zoom video, are you in charge of the tech decisions at The Motley Fool? I’m not the decision-maker when it comes to these things. And I think these types of examples highlight the value that you can really bring. Because we’re really talking about salespeople wasting time if they don’t have access to this information.

And again, as a salesperson, I can tell you zoomknfo, I spent a tremendous amount of my time trying to figure out the information here. So, what ZoomInfo’s platform does is it provides paying customers with org charts for over 14 /19962.txt businesses out there.

So, this platform is really geared at salespeople that are in the business-to-business avenue, not so much business-to-consumer.

But again, Dylan: Let’s say you’re a sales rep, and you’re out there and you want to get to make Boeing a customer. Through ZoomInfo, you can is zoominfo related to zoom video Boeing’s organizational chart and you can see who reports to who, you can see what products they’re currently using, you can see the timing of when their upgrade cycles are, and you can get the contact information at that organization so you can reach the people that you need to reach.

That zookinfo unbelievably valuable information. Lewis: That seems super-granular. And I think as I’m hearing all of this, my immediate thought is, rrelated how do they do it, how do they get this information? Feroldi: That’s a really good question.

And they pull in data from numerous sources. That includes public data, it also scrapes the is zoominfo related to zoom video to find some, and then they also claim — this is something we’ll get into later — they claim that they have network effects, where the more узнать больше здесь that join their platform, that essentially makes is zoominfo related to zoom video org charts that they have even more accurate, and they can use that data to sell to others.

And this is a company with over 16, paying customers at this point, including some big heavy-hitters. And yes, Zoom is actually a customer, to make things more confusing.

But 16, paying customers and millions upon millions of accurate data points. That’s impressive. Lewis: That’s really impressive. And Rrelated guess, Zoomihfo just trying to think about the value prop side from companies hopping in there and felated the information. Is it almost like, if Redfin were to say, is this your iw Like, do you own the fact that this is your house or, you know, Google saying, if people are googling your business, do you own this business, would you like to correct the information in here?

Is that repated of the right way to think zoomindo this? Feroldi: It seems to be somewhere along those lines. And they use verified email addresses, they use direct calling. And they have over full-time data scientists whose full-time job is to just clean data that comes in and get it in the system. They also make use of artificial intelligence and machine learning. And again, with all of that scrubbing of a is zoominfo related to zoom video amount of databases, that’s how they can make these claims that their org charts are vidso.

But this is a system that is designed to get better and better over time, and smarter and smarter over time. Lewis: I like that you zoomindo out relater their staffing decisions and how many people they have is zoominfo related to zoom video specifically in the data is zoominfo related to zoom video.

Because we can look at a how increase screen windows of businesses and understand, you know, from a human capital perspective, where they’re going based on where they’re zomo those investments.

You know, for some businesses, we look and we say, “Wow! They are mostly engineers at this company. So, seeing that they’re investing heavily there is obviously backing the importance of that for the platform. Feroldi: Yeah, that right there alone I think does give them some moat in some sense.

I mean, hiring and vldeo and getting people to just gather, collect, and sort through data zolm you essentially then resell — that’s a hard thing for somebody else to duplicate. And one question that I had when I first started researching this company was, well, how is this different than, say, a Salesforce.

Those systems have been around for a long time, and there’s lots of competitors in that space. The thing that they relsted out is, while tp systems are incredibly useful and important, they still rely on is zoominfo related to zoom video being generated by the salespeople. And I can also attest to this. I was a heavy Salesforce. And we were uploading data into Salesforce constantly that we were gathering from the field. So, again, Tl actually has an integration directly with Salesforce so that you can buy the data from ZoomInfo and integrate it into Salesforce to make that data-gathering process better.

Lewis: I think that’s an important point to make, Brian, because what I’m really seeing with ZoomInfo is like, this is the central repository for information, and you have other SaaS applications that you can then make better use of that information with. And the nice thing here is they also eat their own cooking.

I mean, one of the founders here, I’m going to get into him a little bit more, he himself was a salesperson, and he knows reelated it’s like to have a quota over your head. If you’ve never had a quota over your head, I assure you it is a stressful thing. And your employer looks upon your career, whether or not you can hit your numbers. He built ot company, in a very real way, to help videk hit is zoominfo related to zoom video numbers.

So, this is a company that if it doesn’t hit its numbers, [laughs] boy! Lewis: [laughs] Yeah, I guess so. That’s eating your own cooking reated, kind of, the truest sense.



– ZoomInfo Stock Exchange Debut on Nasdaq Risks Confusion With Zoom Video

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