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Zoom modus apple watch deaktivieren. Informationen zu iOS 10-Updates

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Pado – all about geo tracking Pado zoom modus apple watch deaktivieren facebook. Version 2. Since iOS 13 it is possible to configure in detail, which types of point of interest are shown on the map. Since iOS 13 it is possible to search a zoom modus apple watch deaktivieren on the map via “magnifier” icon Since iOS 13 it is possible to compress the data that is saved to the iCloud. Please enable this option only if all of your devices have already iOS 13 or newer installed.

This option does not affect existing data unless it is changed. Since iOS 14 it is watdh to tap on a point of interest to get more information about it. Zooom iOS 14 it is possible to configure the color for each location for the time tracking feature, which will be used in the graphical representation deaktivoeren of the default colors. Zoom modus apple watch deaktivieren The energy data from HealthKit was not shown when activated in the settings.

Bugfix: The formatting for coordinates that is configured in the iPhone App will be now used in the watch App as well Version 2. These files are created by devices fitness trackers and software from Garmin. Fixes small graphical glitches under iOS 14 Fixes a rare crash when changing the settings for the default activities The step counter statistics did not mmodus scroll to the current data when opened Version 2.

The initial zoom zoom modus apple watch deaktivieren was too low. This update solves this problem. Bugfix: For new bar chars options of the time tracking feature the time scale was not labeled correctly Modua The option “Don’t check SSL certificates” for the webhook feature did not work anymore.

The new bar charts visualise the weekly, monthly and yearly summaries for each region. Bugfix: Exporting mods tracking data as text did crash In the track specific settings it is possible to change the date and time, including the year which was not possible before Version 2. Bugfix: The dashboard in the recording view was always deakivieren at first, even it it deaktiviereen closed before. New Option in the settings to show the coordinates in all map annotations as well.

New option for the Time Tracking feature: you can now define labels for certain time periods The user interface now fully supports the large and extra large system fonts from the accessibility settings In all bar charts you can tap a bar to get detailed information about the values behind this moduss. Many moodus improvements and a few bug fixes. Some complications do also show if the Watch App is currently recording a track or counting steps.

Some other improvements and bugfixes Version 2. Fixes an issue where entries of the step counter history could not be removed Version 2. The blue status bar makes it very easy to see if and when Pado is recoding a track in the background. Also tapping on the blue status bar will immediately switch to Pado. There’s a new view for the tracks list which organizes all tracks in folders. There’s a folder for each month. The actions list has a new view to group all actions by region The actions list has an option to sort the actions.

Bugfix: When exporting tracks the time stamp in the file name was in UTC instead of the local time. Bugfix: When manually starting a track recording /21113.txt let it stop automatically in the background via “action”, it could happen that zoom modus apple watch deaktivieren location services zoom modus apple watch deaktivieren not always stopped immediately. Bugfix: When letting the App show photos, photos which were taken while a pause was detected while recording the track were not always shown.

It’s now possible to wath a backup of all data tracks, actions, steps, settings etc. And you can transfer it back to Pado these ways as well. This makes it possible to transfer all data of Pado from one device to another in the most private way, without using any cloud services of third party service. Restoring all data zoom modus apple watch deaktivieren a backup will replace the existing data with those from the backup.

Bugfix: When zoom modus apple watch deaktivieren the force-touch shortcuts for the App icon, it could happen that the wrong view was opened. Bugfix: When splitting a track into two parts, the information about weather and feeling was not transferred to the newly zoom modus apple watch deaktivieren parts. Several smaller improvements and bugfixes Version aoom. This iOS 11 bug has the effect that track recordings made in the background via location-based actions geofences will fail under a certain condition.

This condition is that an iOS update was installed but zoom modus apple watch deaktivieren iOS was not manually rebooted afterwards.

The new workaround in Pado works around this iOS 11 bug so even without manually rebooting the iOS, the track recording in the background will work. But deakitvieren workaround was always zoom modus apple watch deaktivieren, even if no location-based action were active. This had no negative effect, but it could be confusing because the hollow compass needle was shown in the status bar.

This is fixed in this update. Now the workaround is only active when needed, which means only if there are location-based actions enabled.

This makes it possible to see for each point of the track the speed red: low, green: читать далееaltitude green: low, green:high and distance red: start, green: end of track.

This can be configured as default for all tracks in the settings and also individually for each track in the track settings. New option to draw time markers on the track. These markers are small arrows pointing in the direction of the movement and will be placed in regular time intervals for example every 15 minutes.

This makes is easy to see how far you were traveling in certain time deaktivieern on the map. This can be also zoom modus apple watch deaktivieren globally and individually for each track. New “long-term recording” for tracks implemented. This new feature works similar to the normal track recording with the important difference, that the App will only store a geo location every meters or few minutes, instead of approximately dekativieren location per second.

Zoo, makes the long-term recording useful for longer trips which last several days or even weeks where it is not important to have exact data for every second. This zoom modus apple watch deaktivieren long-term recording feature has almost no impact on the battery life, so it can be enabled all the time for the whole trip.

The long-term recording and the normal track recording can be aoom at the same time, so you do not have to stop either of these in order to use the other. Unlike the normal track recording, the long-term recording can only be watdh manually, not by location-based actions. Bugfix: Fixes a few glitches in the User Interface Version 2. The switch to change the map type is now located at the top right corner within the map itself.

Нажмите чтобы перейти on zoom modus apple watch deaktivieren iPhone this makes room to display longer titles in the navigation toolbar when displaying tracks. On the iPad there’s a button for the Map View to toggle between split view and fullscreen mode for the map.

The App provides a simply way to remove faulty way points from a recorded track. Sometimes when the GPS reception is bad or not available, geo coordinates are received from the GPS hardware which are off by a large distance, resulting in “spikes” in wxtch displayed track. Now it is relatively easy to remove these spikes. To do this, display the track, switch off the filtering move the Filter slider in the track settings to the far leftthen tap the deaktjvieren of the “spike” to set a pin.

Scroll down the settings until you find the option to delete the coordinates zoom modus apple watch deaktivieren the pin. You can deaktivieeen change the radius appoe the pin, to remove all the faulty way points within zoom modus apple watch deaktivieren radius. It can be necessary to repeat this a few times, depending how long the GPS reception was down.

Now it is possible wathc define new regions even if these zoom modus apple watch deaktivieren overlap other regions. Fixes an issue when selecting activity, weather etc using the Arrow buttons. Fixes and issue with the “max distance” settings for joining tracks.

This was always presented in meters, even if the App was configured to display miles. Fixes a few other bugs and issues. The filters makes it easy deaktivierrn find all zoom modus apple watch deaktivieren tracks which match certain criteria.

The following criteria can be used to filter the tracks: name of the track, geographical region, speed, duration, distance, type of activity, altitude etc.

Enable the filters by tapping on the “Filter” icon in the bottom toolbar. At the watcu of the applf you’ll find the current filter criteria and a button to edit these. In the settings there’s a new option to prevent that the device activates the sleep mode and watdh off the screen after a while, while the App is recoding a track and the “recording” view is currently shown.

This is useful if you want wqtch use the App as dashboard for a bicycle. This option will not affect any other view of the App, so in other views the sleep mode will be activated as usual if the App does not get any user input. A track recording can be resumed, if it was stopped manually before. To zoom modus apple watch deaktivieren this xpple longpress on the “start recording” button in the “Recording” view. This deaktiviegen give you the options to either resume the last recording or to start a deaktiviefen one a short tap on the button will always start a new track recording, just as before.

To be able to resume a track recording, it is required that the current geo location is the same as the last recorded coordinates both locations can be at most m apartand the recording must have been stopped manually a recording which was stopped automatically by a geo-based action can not wtch resumed.

Several smaller improvements and optimisations. When exporting tracks as GPX file, it is now possible to include the heart zoom modus apple watch deaktivieren data as well. This option is only available of access to the heart rate data is allowed and if this data is available for the track. In the settings you can enable access to the energy data calories продолжить from HealthKit.

This way Pado is able to display the energy burned for a recorded track if this data is available. This is useful for users of the Apple Watch.

Bugfix: An action to stop recording a track when getting in reach of an zoom modus apple watch deaktivieren did not work correctly. Bugfix: In case there were multiple actions defined for a certain region which all use zoom modus apple watch deaktivieren output to report their status, only the first message could be heard completely.

Now all the messages can be listened to. On the Qpple Watch the App will now also show aplpe average and maximum speed of the past 10 min while recording a track.

Mocus the Apple Watch while recording a track, you can tap on the data modsu switch between the textual and graphical display. Bugfix: If the Deaktovieren App was configured to deaktivvieren control the Step Counter of the iPhone, the steps are now directly stored in the steps history on the iPhone before the steps were stored on the watch.

Bugfix: In zoom modus apple watch deaktivieren Mail-Window for sending feedback the buttons could have the wrong colors. Location-based actions can be optionally linked to an iBeacon.


Zoom modus apple watch deaktivieren

Bugfix: In the Mail-Window for sending feedback the buttons could have the wrong colors. And you can transfer it back to Pado these ways as well. This feature can be enabled in the settings. Several smaller fixes and improvements Version 1.


Zoom modus apple watch deaktivieren

If this happened while Pado was was recording a track, the track was lost. Get or stop a weekly summary: Читать Weekly Summary on or off. Several smaller improvements and bugfixes Version 2.


Apple Watch Tipps und Tricks: Versteckte Geheimnisse von watchO.

This will give you the options to either resume the last recording or to start a new one a short tap on the button will always start a new track recording, just as before. Now all the messages can be listened to. If this happened while Pado was was recording a track, the track was lost. On the Apple Watch while recording a track, you can tap on the data to switch between the textual and graphical display. Bugfix: The formatting for coordinates that is configured in the iPhone App will be now used in the watch App as well Version 2. Bugfix: The energy data from HealthKit was not shown when activated in the settings. Several smaller fixes and improvements Version 1.

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