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Zoom (ZM) stock forecast: Bargain opportunity or slippery slope? – Why Zoom stock is selling off despite posting better-than-expected results.

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After going public in April of , Zoom ended that year up only %, compared to the S&P ‘s % return over that same time frame. The video conferencing platform is trading at February levels, even with Tuesday’s pop after a strong quarter. Scroll to continue with.

Why is zoom stock going up today – none:. Zoom (ZM) stock forecast: Bargain opportunity or slippery slope?


If you’re approaching retirement age, chances are you need to brush up on your Social Security knowledge. A recent MassMutual poll found that most people nearing retirement age don’t know the ins and outs of this vital safety net program. As the world faces war, an ongoing public health crisis, and social injustice, corporate executives have found themselves facing questions from their own employees about whether or not they plan to take a stand.

A decent dividend plus a bargain price adds up to an incredible opportunity for investors to consider. From buying groceries to gasoline to automobiles, inflation has hammered Americans’ purchasing power. In fact, the most well-known metric of inflation has soared to a four-decade high. B owns, they probably think of value-focused investing. If oil keeps rising, it would be great news for energy stocks—and oil exploration stocks in particular.

Dow 30 32, Nasdaq 12, Russell 1, Crude Oil Gold 1, Silver CMC Crypto FTSE 7, Nikkei 27, Read full article. More content below. The stock price decline has been steep, possibly pushed lower by a broader market sell-off among growth stocks in But just because Zoom couldn’t maintain its triple-digit growth rate, it doesn’t mean the company isn’t still thriving. In the third quarter of fiscal ending Oct. Zoom Phone, which is the company’s new unified communications app , is helping drive this spending.

Management reported in Q3 that Zoom Phone saw triple-digit percentage revenue growth year over year. A growing company like Zoom is often unprofitable, but Zoom has strong financials already. This shows that Zoom’s profitability is accelerating as revenue is now outrunning the company’s costs. The stock market can be irrational and stock traders are prone to overreact to things. Zoom’s stock was definitely overpriced at its peak, but the momentum has swung so far the other way that the stock is now arguably a bargain.

The stock price has now fallen to pre-COVID valuation levels, despite the business’s continued growth. Its price-to-earnings ratio of 34 is less than that of a consumer goods company like Nike , despite growing EPS at a triple-digit percentage rate. It’s becoming harder to ignore Zoom based on the current valuation and substantial numbers it’s put up. If there is a worry for investors, it’s probably competition with Microsoft.

Microsoft is much larger than Zoom, making it a formidable competitor with deep pockets. Zoom, of course, competes with Microsoft Teams , which is a crucial cog in Microsoft’s grip on the enterprise market.

Investors will want to monitor Zoom’s revenue growth and management’s comments on customer account growth to ensure that Zoom competes well. I think that there’s room for more than one winner in such a large market, but if Zoom starts losing so much business that its growth begins declining, investors might reconsider their stance on the stock.

Cost basis and return based on previous market day close. Calculated by average return of all stock recommendations since inception of the Stock Advisor service in February of Sephora is getting out of J. And I would say what this does is, we talk sometimes floors-and-ceilings, I mean, Kohl’s was exploring what the floor was for its business back in March.

So, it still had a bad year as a stock, even though it’s more than tripled in that time period. And if Sephora were the cure-all for a retailer’s woes then J. Penney would still be thriving, right? It’s leaving intelligently, as far as picking up and taking its business away from J.

Penney and going into Kohl’s, but Sephora is not on its own going to be any more able to make Kohl’s a hot retail opportunity than it was able to do so for J.

Nevertheless, Kohl’s is a better operation than J. Penney, certainly hasn’t gone through quite the disruptions that J. Penney has, but you know, keep in mind, this is more shoring up the floor than exploring the ceiling. Hill: No. But it’s absolutely something they need to do. And it reminded me a little bit of the partnership they struck with Amazon , I’m talking about Kohl’s, of course, to provide returns within Kohl’s locations. This gives people one more reason to actually go into a Kohl’s.

Kohl’s does curbside pickup, I don’t see them promoting it in the same way that we’ve seen Target and Walmart , but those two businesses have certainly provided a blueprint for what Kohl’s could be in the future. I don’t know. I’m not buying shares of Kohl’s, but I don’t think it’s unreasonable that the stock is up today in the way that it is.

So, even though it was losing on the margins, it was buying back shares and keeping that earnings per share story reasonably consistent. It’s not going to suffer quite as much as your J. Penney, Sears , highly mall-based stores like this, but it’s still an uphill battle against Amazon. It’s improved the online experience, but it’s got a long way to go. Hill: Our email address is MarketFoolery Fool. Question from Sean Bryan in Harrisville, Utah, who writes, “I think there may come a time when people will look back and wonder how we justified eating animal meat, at least in the amounts that we do now?

If the War on Cash is followed by a “War on Meat,” what are the first three stocks you would put in that basket? It’s an interesting thought exercise, the obvious first stock is probably Beyond Meat , and if Impossible Foods goes public, they’re in there as well. Barker: Yeah, I guess it would depend, you know, if the war is being waged against the meat processors, right.

You want to stay pretty far away from Smithfield, for instance, which is now owned by China. But I think, obviously the Beyond Meats of the world are where you would, kind of, start with that. Is poultry being taken out too in this example?

By the way, I’m totally willing to entertain the notion that meat consumption is going to suffer as people become, one, they’ve got more opportunities to get a meat-like taste from the Beyond Meats, but, you know, an increased exposure to the story of factory farms and things like that, I could certainly see society turning its back and looking back on our generation and how much meat we eat and how we produce it as being something that is fairly horrifying to the future generations.

Hill: Well, to answer your question, Sean writes “eating animal meat,” chickens are animals, so, yeah, I guess [laughs] poultry is part of that as well. Barker: Yeah. Whereas poultry often, and has picked up from peoples moving away for purely health reasons, away from red meat, boy! Barker: Yeah, I do think these are trends that need to be considered. And I think Tyson Foods is one of those things that I wouldn’t put all of my money into or Hormel or any of those.

Hill: I also think it’s a trend that needs to be considered, I don’t think, for investors, this is as lucrative a trend, both, in the near-term or even in the long-term, as the War on Cash. And likely to be a much bloodier war too. I mean, beef and the production of it are about as central to the iconography of the American experience as you can get. If you’re like me, the fact that you have never driven a herd of cattle to the slaughterhouse, it’s probably something that you consider a failure at a certain level, as an American man.

Don’t you feel at some level, like, you’re supposed to have done that by now? It may not be a level you could even put words into; I see you struggling, but you know what I’m talking about. Hill: I think you’re talking about the movie City Slickers , which is the only passing thought I ever had of like, I wonder what that would be like.

And then by the end of the movie, I thought, well, that was a fun movie, but, no, I’m not interested in doing that. Barker: No, no, no, not as a vacation, as a, you know, you’ve got to do this or the ranch is going to have to be sold, like this level of being tied to the land and the animals and the production of your own food and all that, in a way that — look, you’re a big movie fan, you’ve watched your fair share of westerns, I mean, I’m not talking City Slickers level.

Hill: Yeah, my fair share of westerns is probably smaller than other people’s fair share of westerns. Barker: But you know, that this is laced into the American psyche.

And if you’re going to take beef away, boy! Hill: Well! And to go back to the War on Cash, how much resistance is cash putting up? Is the U. Treasury [laughs] really Treasury Department? I’m going to say, no. Whereas to your point, yeah, the beef industry, the poultry industry, yeah, they’re going to put up a fight. Hill: Great commercial. And the fact that you have them voiced by people like Sam Elliott and Robert Mitchum, I mean, two of the all-time great voices.

So, yeah, those are — you know, again, [laughs] the U.


Why is zoom stock going up today – none:


The Street is unclear on how to value Zoom as its growth slows with people returning to offices and schools, despite the lingering pandemic.

So the only course of action right now it seems — sell Zoom’s stock ZM and wait for more stable waters. Radke called the earnings report disappointing.

The steep sell-off pushed shares of Zoom into the red for the past year, down about 2. Added Steckelberg on the growth slowdown, “When we look out through what we have seen is a slowdown in the online segment of the business, which again, even though the pandemic seems to be far from over, we are happy that people are feeling more comfortable out traveling. And that’s really where we’re seeing the slowdown. And if you back all the way up to when we gave guidance at the beginning of the year, we had expected that towards the end of the year, but it’s just happened a little bit more quickly than we expected.

And we, of course, feel good that people are out moving around the world. But It’s certainly creating some headwinds, as we’ve said, in the online segment of our business. Analysts are taking a mostly guarded view on Zoom in the near-term, even though many acknowledge the company will benefit from the long-term shift to hybrid work. Brian Sozzi is an editor-at-large and anchor at Yahoo Finance. Read the latest financial and business news from Yahoo Finance. Stock splits typically have led to oversized returns, says Bank of America.

Look beyond the popular growth stocks. A healthy stream of income awaits. It’s certainly understandable; getting more shares of your favorite company can bring a smile to the faces of even the most stoic among us. It’s also true that companies that announce their intentions to split their stock tend to see their share prices run up as the split date approaches. All this buying can drive share prices up, bringing in more momentum traders and adding fuel to the fire.

Europe, where Tesla has just opened a production site, is an important market for the electric vehicle manufacturer and its CEO. Energy prices are soaring. But bargain-hunter Buffett continues to bet on big oil. Stocks fell last week, but was it constructive? Tesla tumbled on Elon Musk’s “super bad” warning. Apple WWDC is due. Saving for a financially secure retirement is a long-term project with a sometimes indistinct final objective, especially when people are just starting in their careers.

Using technical analysis of the charts of those stocks, and, when appropriate, recent actions and grades from TheStreet’s Quant Ratings, , we zero in on three names.

While we will not be weighing in with fundamental analysis, we hope this piece will give investors interested in stocks on the way down a good starting point to do further homework on the names. Snap Inc. The metaverse offers added opportunities for a variety of tech stocks.

Although big drops in the stock market can be unnerving and tug on investors’ emotions, they’re also, historically, an excellent time to put your money to work. Corrections and bear markets tend to run their course relatively quickly, and all notable declines throughout history have eventually been erased by a bull market rally. If you’re approaching retirement age, chances are you need to brush up on your Social Security knowledge.

A recent MassMutual poll found that most people nearing retirement age don’t know the ins and outs of this vital safety net program. As the world faces war, an ongoing public health crisis, and social injustice, corporate executives have found themselves facing questions from their own employees about whether or not they plan to take a stand.

A decent dividend plus a bargain price adds up to an incredible opportunity for investors to consider. From buying groceries to gasoline to automobiles, inflation has hammered Americans’ purchasing power.

In fact, the most well-known metric of inflation has soared to a four-decade high. B owns, they probably think of value-focused investing. If oil keeps rising, it would be great news for energy stocks—and oil exploration stocks in particular. Dow 30 32, Nasdaq 12, Russell 1, Crude Oil Gold 1, Silver CMC Crypto FTSE 7, Nikkei 27, Read full article. More content below. In this article:.

Story continues. Read more. Recommended Stories. The Independent. Motley Fool. Investor’s Business Daily. Yahoo Finance.


Why is zoom stock going up today – none:

After going public in April of , Zoom ended that year up only %, compared to the S&P ‘s % return over that same time frame. The video conferencing platform is trading at February levels, even with Tuesday’s pop after a strong quarter. Scroll to continue with.

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